Do you find yourself constantly making excuses to postpone cleaning out your space? Or do you find yourself overwhelmed with the idea of cleaning and simply keep pushing your cleaning tasks to the next day? If you can relate to such situations, then you have come to the right page. Finding the time and motivation to clean is a real struggle indeed. A bullet journal cleaning schedule or a cleaning tracker might be the solution for you.
By creating a cleaning schedule in your bullet journal page, you will be motivated to clean out all the clutter around your house to experience the satisfaction of checking off a task at the end of the day. You can build a cleaning routine and stick by it. Even if you do like to clean, a bullet journal cleaning tracker will help you track when was the last time you cleaned a particular area in your house. So maintaining a cleaning page in your bullet journal is a good idea for all you clean freaks as well.
We have come up with a compilation of 16 Bullet journal cleaning trackers, schedules, and layouts to help you declutter your space.
Bullet Journal Cleaning Layout Ideas
Here are some bullet journal cleaning layout ideas that you can use to plan out your chores and cleaning tasks.
1.Daily Cleaning Schedule For Families

If you are a mother and want to plan out your cleaning schedule and also assign some tasks to your kids, then this bullet journal daily cleaning page is perfect for you. This bujo page is designed by camdens__creations. Here you can plan out your cleaning schedule a week in advance! Assign laundry days, vacuuming days and other tasks such as dishes and tidying up. On the first page, there is also a column titled kid’s chores. Here, you can assign small tasks to your kids to make them responsible, while at the same time, reducing your workload.
2. Year At A Glance Bujo Cleaning Schedule

Here is a yearly cleaning calendar by rachelbbulletjournal to keep you motivated throughout the year. On the first page, you have tasks that you are supposed to do every week. There are 3 sections, with each divided into 4 months, which are further segregated into 5 weeks. You can assign chores each week and then shade the boxes once you are done with the task. On the other page, you have tasks that you are required to do monthly such as cleaning the oven, cleaning the fridge, etc. you can use this layout to keep track of all your cleaning tasks and checking them off once they are done. I also really like the color scheme and the fonts used in this spread.
For more such bullet journal font ideas, refer- 20 Best Bullet Jornal Fonts For Your Bujo Pages
3.Minimalist Bullet Journal Cleaning Schedule

Here is a minimalist cleaning journal spread for your bujo pages by _hunter_home_. This one follows a monthly layout, but has different sections for daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. So chores like making the bed, washing up, doing the dishes, etc are daily chores and you can track them in the daily cleaning tracker. You can track activities like cleaning the microwave, fridge, etc in the weekly cleaning tracker. Tasks that have to be done only once a month can be tracked in the monthly section of this bullet journal spread.
For more such minimalist bullet journal spreads, refer to our blog- Minimalist Bullet Journal Ideas For Your Bujo Pages
4.Minimalist Cleaning Plan/ Overview

Here is a cleaning overview page that you can add to your bullet journal. This one is by creatrive. If you feel like tracking your cleaning chores are a bit unnecessary, then you can simply create an overview page instead. All you have to do is make a list of the tasks that you must do daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and yearly. I also love the floral pattern on the next page.
5.Bullet Journal Cleaning Routine Page

Here is a bullet journal cleaning routine page by definitelynotartbutpretty. Instead of creating a cleaning tracker, why not just make a simple cleaning routine page? This spread has your tasks divided into tasks that you are supposed to perform daily, weekly, every month, once every other month, every three months, and yearly as well. The idea is to make note of all the tasks so that you don’t forget any of them and can be more organized.
6.Colorful Bullet Journal Cleaning Schedule

Here is a colorful bullet journal cleaning schedule by plaidfuzz to get your life organized. If you aren’t the one for details and feel like maintaining a cleaning tracker is too much work, then prepare a simple cleaning schedule instead. All you have to do is divide the page into a number of sections for your daily, weekly, monthly, annual, and bi-annual tasks. You can also include tasks that need to be done once in every 3 months, quarterly tasks, and so on. Then, simply list down these tasks so that you do not forget to do them at the right time.
7.Bullet Journal Master Chores List

Here is a master chore list for your bullet journal by nerdygirlbujo. Here, you can list down the chores and cleaning tasks that you have to do weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, and once every three months. It is very simple and easy to follow. I also love the hilarious quote and doodle at the end of the page.
To learn how to doodle, and for more such bullet journal doodle ideas, refer- 45+ Bullet Journal Doodles For Your Inspiration
8.Bullet Journal Seasonal Deep Cleaning Page

It is an excellent idea to deep clean your house every season to get rid of all the dirt and grime that would otherwise be missed while you normally clean out your house. The house always feels so calm after a deep clean. Here is a seasonal bullet journal deep clean page by irish_bulletjournal. Here, you can write down all the tasks to ensure a perfect deep cleaning session of your house. You can divide the tasks based on areas like the bedroom, closet, hall, loo, and so on. Don’t forget to include even the tiniest of details. You can doodle, or even add stickers to make the page look interesting and fun.
9.Lavender Themed Bullet Journal Cleaning Tracker

Here is a lavender themed bullet journal cleaning schedule and tracker for all the clean freaks out there. This one is by rox_bujournal_life. You can divide the spread based on daily cleaning, weekly, fortnightly, and monthly cleaning tasks. You can further write down the chores based on different rooms and categories. I love the lavender theme and the aesthetics of this page. The tracker is also simple and easy to maintain where you cross out the boxes once you complete the task.
I also really like the font used on this page. For more such bullet journal font ideas, refer- 20 Best Bullet Jornal Fonts For Your Bujo Pages
10.Yellow And Blue Master Cleaning Routine

A clean home is a happy home. Here is a yellow and blue themed master cleaning routine page by tiffanys_bujo. It is easy to clean your house if you maintain a cleaning routine page like this one. You can write down your daily, monthly, and weekly routine as well. I also really like the use of doodles and quotes on this page to make cleaning more fun and interesting.
To learn how to doodle, and for more such bullet journal doodle ideas, refer- 45+ Bullet Journal Doodles For Your Inspiration.
Also, refer to our blog on 100 Never Give Up Quotes To Keep You Going.
11.Minimalist Bullet Journal Cleaning Tracker

Here is a fully practical and functional bullet journal cleaning schedule page by kathrynn.lynnn. It is minimalist and clutter free which will help you focus on the task at hand. You can make mini calendars to track the chores that you have to do daily like make your bed, do the dishes, etc. you can also specify monthly tasks and other weekly tasks or stuff that you do once every few days.
For more such minimalist bullet journal spreads, refer to our blog- Minimalist Bullet Journal Ideas For Your Bujo Pages
12.Cartoon Themed Bullet Journal Cleaning Schedule

Here is a simple and minimalist bullet journal cleaning list by a_bit_of_journaling. You can segregate and list down your cleaning chores according to the area or zone that you have to clean. For instance, you can list down all tasks related to your bedroom in one section, and similarly for your dining room, attic, hallway, foyer, living room, library, kitchen, and bath. You can also include your car and office space well. It is simple and efficient and will ensure that you do not miss any spot while you clean out your house.
13.Simple Bullet Journal Cleaning List

I love this cute bullet journal cleaning routing page by maris.bulletjournal on Instagram. It is very simple and easy to recreate. I really like the use of circles and cute shapes to list down the cleaning tasks. You can either divide the chores according to their time or how often you need to perform them like daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc, or you can segregate them based on the zone or areas such as hall, bedroom, bath, foyer, etc. Each section also has an arrow pointing to a tracker where you can track those tasks. The page also has a quote on top that reads ‘a clean home is a happy home’ with a cute doodle next to it.
14.Cute Bullet Journal Cleaning Spread

It is a good idea to keep track of when you last cleaned your space. Here is a “when did I last” cleaning tracker page for your bullet journal by sharonajournals. This is the perfect way to remember when you last cleaned some of the areas in your house like your fridge, closet, oven, washing machine, make up brushes, kitchen cabinets, duvet, etc. The idea here is to track those areas which you do not clean regularly or on a daily basis. By keeping track of when you last cleaned those areas, you will be able to maintain a clean house and a clean mind.
15.Clean House Clean Mind Bujo Tracker

It is a good idea to keep track of when you last cleaned your space. Here is a “when did I last” cleaning tracker page for your bullet journal by sharonajournals. This is the perfect way to remember when you last cleaned some of the areas in your house like your fridge, closet, oven, washing machine, make up brushes, kitchen cabinets, duvet, etc. The idea here is to track those areas which you do not clean regularly or on a daily basis. By keeping track of when you last cleaned those areas, you will be able to maintain a clean house and a clean mind.
16.30 Day Clutter Free Challenge

If you do not like cleaning or lack the motivation to clean, then why not make cleaning a fun task by converting it into a challenge? Take up this 30 day clutter free challenge in your bullet journal to clean and clear out all the clutter in your life. List down 30 things that you would like to declutter and simply take up one task each day. By doing so, you won’t be overwhelmed and can clear out all the mess in peace. The tasks can be anything like clearing out your car, make up, medicines, books, to clearing your emails, paperwork, jewelry, kitchen, pantry, etc. Take tiny steps each day to a clutter free life.
So that was our compilation of bullet journal cleaning trackers, schedules, and cleaning routine pages. Try them out for a clean, and clutter free home, work space, and life. Don’t hesitate to mix and match the themes and try out what works best for your lifestyle. You can always customize them to suit your needs. Do let us know in the comments section below which one of these layouts and themes you liked the best 🙂
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