How To Make Money On Pinterest? – Getting 10M+ Monthly Viewers

By consistently pinning 10 posts a day, leveraging the power of Tailwind to driving substantial traffic, and advertising with Raptive, I found my Pinterest success. I managed to reach 10M+ monthly viewers, attract 250,000 monthly sessions, and make $10000 USD per month.

I started this blog with a dream to become a full-time artist in Feb 2021. And in 2023, I was able to quit my day job to become a full-time creator.

In this post, I share my biggest growth hacks and the exact steps I took to get here.

Growth Hack 1 – Leveraging Pinterest Trends and Creating Seasonal Content:

Throughout my journey on Pinterest, I discovered the incredible potential of leveraging Pinterest trends and creating seasonal content to drive visitors and engage my audience.

By staying up-to-date with the latest trends on the platform, aligning my content with seasons, optimizing pins with seasonal keywords, and utilizing seasonal design elements. I witnessed a significant boost in traffic and user engagement.

Here’s how I leveraged this strategy to achieve remarkable results:

Stay Updated With Pinterest Trends

To begin, I made it a priority to stay updated with Pinterest trends. By exploring the Pinterest Trends feature and keeping a close eye on popular pins and topics within my niche, I gained valuable insights into the interests and preferences of users. This allowed me to incorporate trending keywords, themes, and topics into my pins and content, effectively tapping into existing user interest and increasing my visibility.

Create Seasonal Content

Creating seasonal content became a focal point of my Pinterest strategy. I recognized that users actively seek inspiration and ideas for upcoming holidays, events, and celebrations. By aligning my content with these seasons and special occasions, such as crafting holiday recipes, DIY decorations, fashion trends, or gift guides, I ensured my pins remained highly relevant and attracted a surge of search traffic during those periods. This strategic approach allowed me to offer fresh and timely ideas that resonated with my audience, driving increased engagement and traffic to my website.

Optimize With The Correct Seasonal Keywords

Optimizing pins with seasonal keywords played a vital role in improving their discoverability. Conducting thorough keyword research, I identified popular and trending terms associated with the specific season or event I targeted. By incorporating these keywords into my pin titles, descriptions, and hashtags, I significantly increased the chances of my pins appearing in search results when users sought seasonal inspiration. This optimization effort proved instrumental in driving organic traffic and attracting users interested in the content I offered.

Use Seasonal Design Elements

Recognizing the importance of visual appeal on Pinterest, I leveraged seasonal design elements to capture users’ attention. By using colors, fonts, and graphics that reflected the spirit of the season or event, I made my pins visually enticing and aligned them with the specific occasion. For instance, I employed vibrant and warm colors for summer, pastels for spring, or festive elements for holidays. These eye-catching visuals drew users’ interest, prompting them to click on my pins and further explore my content.

Update And Repin Seasonal Content Again

To maximize the impact of my seasonal content, I repurposed and updated it for future years. Instead of letting my content go to waste once the event or season ended, I refreshed my pins with updated visuals, new descriptions, and additional tips and ideas. By republishing this evergreen seasonal content, I ensured its ongoing relevance and attracted visitors who were planning ahead for future occasions or discovering the same content for the first time.

Growth Hack 2 – Pinterest SEO The Right Way

I started by conducting keyword research, just like I would for traditional search engines. I identified relevant keywords and phrases related to my niche, industry, or the content I wanted to promote. Tools like Pinterest Trends, Google Trends, and third-party keyword research tools helped me discover popular and trending keywords. I focused on long-tail keywords that had a good search volume but weren’t overly competitive.

Optimize Your Pinterest Profile

Next, I optimized my Pinterest profile. I incorporated relevant keywords into my profile name, username, and bio to help Pinterest understand the focus of my content. I crafted a concise and keyword-rich bio that clearly described what I offered and the topics I covered. Additionally, I included a link to my website or landing page in my profile to drive traffic from interested users.

Optimize Your Pinterest Boards

When creating boards, I chose descriptive titles that contained relevant keywords. For example, in my gardening niche, I opted for a board titled “Beautiful Flower Gardens” instead of a generic “Gardening.” I also crafted keyword-rich board descriptions to provide context and make my boards more searchable. I thought about what users might search for when looking for content related to my board and incorporated those terms.

Optimize Your Titles & Descriptions

The titles and descriptions of my pins played a significant role in Pinterest SEO. I optimized pin titles by incorporating relevant keywords to help my pins rank higher in search results. I crafted compelling descriptions that provided more information about the pin’s content, using a natural language approach. I included relevant keywords within the description, but I avoided keyword stuffing, aiming for a balance between readability and optimization.

Optimize Your Pins

Recognizing the importance of high-quality visuals on Pinterest, I ensured that my images were visually appealing. I optimized my images by using a vertical aspect ratio, ideally 2:3 or 1:2.1, as they tend to perform better. I added text overlays to my images when appropriate, especially for instructional or informative content. I used captivating visuals that grabbed attention and enticed users to click through to my website or content.

Stay Consistent

Consistency was key to Pinterest SEO. I pinned fresh content regularly to show Pinterest that my account was active and relevant. I aimed to pin at least a few times a week, or even daily, depending on my capacity. I utilized scheduling tools like Tailwind to automate and streamline my pinning process.

Identify What’s Working & Double Down

I regularly monitored Pinterest Analytics to understand which pins, boards, and keywords performed well. I identified patterns, trends, and the content that resonated with my audience. Based on this data, I optimized my strategy, focusing more on the content that performed best and aligning it with the interests of my audience.

Growth Hack 3 – High Value Round-up Articles

One of the strategies that significantly contributed to my success on Pinterest was creating high-value round-up articles. These articles focused on curating the best ideas, tips, or products related to a specific keyword or topic. By gathering and presenting valuable content in one place, I not only provided a valuable resource for my audience but also positioned myself as an expert in my niche. Here’s how I leveraged this approach to drive traffic and engagement on Pinterest.

Identify Keywords For Your Posts

To begin, I identified popular keywords or topics within my niche that had a high search volume and user interest. I conducted keyword research using tools like Ahrefs to discover relevant keywords that aligned with my audience’s interests.

Share The Best Inspiration

Once I had selected a keyword or topic, I scoured Pinterest and other platforms for the best ideas and tips related to that specific keyword. I explored popular pins, boards, blogs, and websites within my niche to gather a diverse range of high-quality content. I made sure to include a mix of established influencers and lesser-known creators to provide a well-rounded perspective.

Add Unique Value To Each Post

Next, I curated the best ideas into a comprehensive round-up article. I organized the content in a logical and user-friendly format, highlighting the key points, tips, or products for each idea. I also provided brief descriptions and added my own insights or commentary to make the round-up article more valuable and personalized.

Make Your Content Visually Appealing

To enhance the visual appeal of the round-up article, I included high-quality images or created collages that showcased the ideas or products. Visual content is highly engaging on Pinterest, so I made sure to capture the attention of users with eye-catching visuals that accurately represented the content.

Optimize it for Google SEO also

Once the round-up article was complete, I published it on my website or blog. I optimized the article for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords in the title, headings, and throughout the content. This helped improve its visibility in search results, driving organic traffic to my website.

Distribute on Pinterest Strategically

To promote the round-up article on Pinterest, I created multiple pins with compelling visuals and descriptions. Each pin highlighted a different aspect or idea from the round-up article, encouraging users to click through and explore the full content. I used keyword-rich descriptions, relevant hashtags, and engaging text overlays to maximize the pin’s visibility and attract users interested in the topic.

As I continued to publish high-value round-up articles, I noticed a pattern. The home decor niche consistently performed better in terms of engagement and click-throughs. Users on Pinterest actively sought home decor inspiration and ideas, making it a profitable niche for ads and monetization. Recognizing this trend, I shifted my focus and started creating more content specifically targeting the home decor niche.

By strategically placing ads within my high-value round-up articles and other relevant content, I generated a steady stream of income from ad revenue. I’m now planning to diversify by launching my own digital printable store.

My Pinterest Marketing Strategy – Driving Traffic from Pinterest And Monetising through Ads.

Pinterest, a visual discovery platform, has gained immense popularity over the years, with millions of users seeking inspiration and ideas. In this article, I will share my journey of harnessing the potential of Pinterest and transforming it into a lucrative source of income.

1. Understanding the Power of Pinterest and Tailwind:

Pinterest stands out among social media platforms as a hub for inspiration, covering diverse niches, from fashion and home decor to DIY projects and recipes.

By strategically utilizing Tailwind, a Pinterest scheduling and analytics tool, I was able to optimize my presence on the platform. Tailwind allowed me to schedule pins in advance, ensuring a consistent presence throughout the day and reaching a wider audience.

2. Consistent Pinning: The Key to Building a Following:

Building a substantial following on Pinterest requires consistency and quality content. By committing to pinning 10 posts a day, I ensured a steady flow of fresh and engaging content.

To maintain consistency, I created a content calendar and utilized tools like Canva to design visually appealing pins. This approach gradually increased my visibility, attracting more followers and ultimately expanding my monthly viewership.

3. Driving Traffic: Turning Viewers into Visitors:

While achieving a high number of monthly viewers is undoubtedly impressive, the true value lies in converting those viewers into website visitors.

By optimizing my pins with relevant keywords, compelling descriptions, and visually appealing graphics, I enticed users to click through to my website.

4. Effective Monetization with Ads (Ezoic and Raptive):

As the number of monthly sessions increased, I sought ways to monetize my Pinterest traffic. Ezoic, an advertising platform, offered a straightforward and effective solution. By integrating Ezoic ads into my website, I generated passive income from the increased traffic driven by Pinterest. Ezoic utilizes advanced AI algorithms to optimize ad placements and maximize revenue, allowing me to focus on creating valuable content for my audience.

When I crossed the minimum monthly page views criterion for Raptive, I applied for it and getting accepted there doubled my monthly income from 3500 USD to 7000 USD. I consistently working to grow my traffic and finally crossed the 10000 USD mark.

5. Selling Digital Products: Diversifying Income Streams:

In addition to ad revenue, I explored the potential of selling digital products to further monetize my Pinterest success. Leveraging my expertise in a specific niche, I created digital products such as e-books, online courses, and printables, tailored to the interests and needs of my target audience.

By strategically promoting these products on Pinterest, I tapped into the platform’s vast user base and converted interested viewers into paying customers.

Now, I’m working to launch my very own digital printable store.

I love finding and sharing the best inspiration and ideas for bullet journaling, DIY projects, and recipes.

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