Online Resources For Beginner Dancers

Everything Ballet

1. Ballet Vocabulary Video Dictionary Series by Chela Fernández Belli

Ballet Dictionary Part 1 covers various terminologies related to ballet positions and directions. You can learn about positions of the feet, positions of the supporting foot, the height of the working leg, directions of movement of the legs, directions of travel, cou de pied, retiré, raccourci, positions of the head, epaulement, positions of the arms, port de bras, positions of the body, attitudes, and arabesques. The first part introduces you to the very basic terms of ballet.

Ballet Dictionary Part 2 covers the next set of ballet positions and directions. You can learn about Attitudes, Arabesques, seven movements of dance, Barre, Plié, Battement Tendu Simple, Battement tendu relevé, Double battement Tendu, Battement Dégaé, Battement Glissé, Battement Tendu Jeté, Piqué/pointé, Petit Retiré, Flic flac/Fouetté à terre, Rond de Jambeà terre, Rond de Jambe par terre, Grand Rond de Jambe à Terre, Rondde Jambe Jeté, Battement Fondu, Battement Soutenu, Détourné, Battement Frappé, and Rond de Jambe an l’air.

Ballet Dictionary Part 3 covers Barre, Rond de Jambe enl’air balancé, Temps Relevé, Relevé Lent, Battement Développé, Grand Rond de Jambe en l’air, Battement Tendu pur la batterie, Petit battement sur le cou de pied, Battement battu/ battementserré, petit battement sur le’talon, Battement Retiré, Grand battement, Grand battement jeté, Grand Battement Fini Piqué, Grand Battement Jeté Pointé, Fouette Battement, Grand Battement Arrondi, Grand Battement en Rond, Grand Battement Développé. It also covers linking Steps such as Pas Marché, Coupé,  Chassé, Coupé chassé/galop, Tombé, Piqué/posé/Jeté, Pas de Bourrée, and Pas de Bourrée Ouvert.

Ballet Dictionary Part 4 continues with linking steps from the previous part and introduces Pas de Bourrée Ouvert, Pas de Bourrée Piqué, Glissade, Glissade Piquée, Glissade Precipitée, Glissade Pressée, Ballonné Piqué, Contretemps, and Failli. Next, it discusses ballet terminologies related to center practice and exercises such as Temps lié and Battements Divisés en Quarts. Moving on, it introduces Pirouette and Grande Pirouette.

Ballet Dictionary Part 5 is all about movements in the centre. It covers Pirouettes, Grande Pirouette, Grande Pirouette Sautillé, Pirouette Sauté, Adage and Adagio, Promenade, Tour Lent, Fouetté/Fouetté Effacé, Fouetté of Adage, Grand Fouetté and Renversé.

2. Worldwide Ballet Class

Not many people are aware about this wonderful resource out there. Worldwide Ballet Class WWBC initiative is sponsored by Zarely. As a part of this initiative, every day since the Coronavirus pandemic outbreak,  dancers from all over the world come together to share their experience and knowledge and improve their dance skills.

Every WWBC online ballet class is instructed by one of the top ballet dancers and coaches from all over the world. Access more than 250 classes here. Many of their online ballet classes are accompanied by live piano music from geniuses such as David Morse, Ella Belilovskaya, Cameron Thomas, and Remina Tanaka.

A lot of the classes are of intermediate, advanced as well as professional levels. However, there are some beginner level classes as well. Either ways, it’s a treat to just watch these classes and observe these amazing dancers move. You can learn so much through observation. Check out the live class for each day here.

3. Complete Ballet Classes on EdgePac IGTV

EDGE Performing Arts Center is one of the oldest dance studios in LA. It was established in 1992 and has provided world class training to dancers since. During the pandemic, they uploaded complete classes of one hour duration on their IGTV. Here are the links to their Ballet IGTV classes.

4. Ballet Lite App

With 270 Ballet definitions, this app is a fast, cross referenced glossary of Ballet Terms. It also has a random flash card feature to test your dance knowledge. There’s a slight delay in the loading of definitions. If you want instant access to definitions you can opt for the paid version of the app available by the name Ballet Index. Both apps are available on Play Store as well as App Store.

5. Kathryn Morgan Youtube Channel

With one of the best YouTube channels out there, Kathryn Morgan provides information about everything related to Ballet. As a former soloist with the New York City Ballet and Miami City Ballet, she has some real insights about the world of ballet. On her channel, you will find more than 300 videos covering topics like makeup, hair, ballet workouts and exercises, Q and A sessions, lifestyle advice, and DIY.

Her Youtube videos are a lot of content for a beginner. However, if you love them and want even more content, you can always consider purchasing a premium set of 100 videos from her website.

6. Lazy Dancer Tips Youtube Channel

If you’re always on the lookout for the best ballet workouts, then this is the channel for you. The mastermind behind the channel is the professional ballerina Alessia Lugoboni. She has some of the best videos that you can follow to improve your ballet technique, balance and posture.
You can also check Lazy Dancer Tips Official Website for everything else that she offers.

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