Feature Image Source: ruru_bujo
Every month brings with it the excitement of planning a new theme for your bullet journal. The theme and the colours that you choose determine the vibe of the month. I am always mind-blown by the innovative layouts that bullet journal enthusiasts create for every theme. In this post, I’ve picked up a popular theme of ‘hot air balloon’ and compiled some of the best bullet journal hot air balloon ideas from across the internet.
If you love a layout from the list below, you can follow the link to the source to discover other similar ideas. Do not forget to show some love to these super creative bujo creators.
We’ve categorised the bullet journal hot air balloon theme ideas as per the different kinds of bullet journal pages you need in your bujo.
Read – 55 Bullet Journal Pages Ideas For Your Bujo
Hot Air Balloon Theme Bullet Journal Cover Pages
The first page that declares and represents the theme of the month is the Month Cover page. Let’s look at some inspiring ideas to get started.
1. Rise After Falling August Cover Page

This beautiful hot air balloon inspired bullet journal cover page layout is by nicola.prodromou .’What defines us is how well we rise after falling’ is such a great quote to start the month with. I also love the colour theme and the simple playful doodles of the hot air balloon.
2. Those Vibrant Hot Air Balloons!

Look at these vibrant hot air balloons cover page by ruru_bujo! I can only imagine how fun it must to fill in the colours in them. Each hot air balloon has a unique colour combination and pattern. Take inspiration from this to create your own!
3. If You Want T o Fly Cover Page

This beautifully illustrated quote by bullseye.journaling is my absolute favourite and it goes so well with the hot air balloon theme. Check out her Instagram for more inspiring images form this theme.
4. How We Rise After Falling Cover Page

Here’s another great one by bullseye.journaling. Mark the beginning of the month by this inspiring quote about rising up. I love the colour theme and those beautiful hot air balloons that seem to rising up and up into the sky.
5. Carnival Hot Air Balloon

Do hot air balloons remind you of a joyful celebration time? Do they bring memories of some crazy carnival? If yes, you’ll love this beautiful hot air balloon illustration y abigailmarie_art that marks the beginning of the month. The gradients and the colours are surreal. Check out her Instagram to get mind-blown by her work.
6. Those Crayon Hot Air Balloons

If you want to keep it simple yet fun, then this cover page by karagunawan is the one for you. It’s easy to draw and can be made using simple crayons! I specially love the lettering of the month.
7. Blue Hot Air Balloons Cover

Talking about simple and fun, I also like these hot air balloon doodles by By giovanna.journals. She’s paired it very minimal lettering of the month. The blue colour theme gives a very relaxing beach vibe to the layout.
8. The Ultimate Hot Air Balloon Cover

This cover page by dinadotted has one of the most intricate hot air balloon illustration that I’ve seen on a bullet journal. Those intricate lines add such an elegant and realistic element to the illustration.
9. Pink And Purple Hot Air Balloonw

Here’s another easy hot air balloon bullet journal cover by beartsywithme. Both the doodles as well as the lettering are minimal. You can recreate this cover page and choose a different colour theme to customize it as per your taste.
10. Up, Up and Away Hot Air Balloon

Here’s something different to get inspired from by jbcreativity92. I like how the hot air balloons are combined with flowers on the right. And on the left, the giant hot air balloon seems to be flying away with the wind.
Theme Planning Pages

I totally love how bullseye.journaling has dedicated two pages of her journal towards theme planning. In these pages, she’s chalked out how she’ll draw her hot air balloons, what colours she will use, how she will make every single page, which wash tapes she’ll and even what kind of colours she’ll be using for this theme.
How I Draw Page

There are so many different ways to draw your hot air balloons. I like this ‘How I draw’ page by miloe.joanne as it’s full of different ideas that can be referred to every time you get stuck with doodling.
Bullet Journal Theme Weekly Layouts
The Weekly Layout pages are perhaps the most useful part of our bullet journals. They can be made creative and fun by following a theme. Here is a collection of some hot air balloon theme weekly layout ideas that I loved!
1. Let Your Dreams Take Flight

Week planning needs some inspiration and I love this weekly layout By bullseye.journaling as it has this super inspiring quote on the bottom right. I also love how every hot air balloon has a unique pattern. It must be therapeutic and fun to create this layout!
2. Rise Up Weekly Hot Air Balloon Spread

If you don’t want to spend too much time in doodling the hot air balloons, then here’s another idea by bullseye.journaling that will be super handy for you. The ‘reminders’ section on the bottom right is also super cute and useful.
3. Carnival Hot Air Balloons

This bullet journal spread by paysbulletjournal reminds of a winter carnival! You can take inspiration from this to create your own weekly layout with a whole bunch of hot air balloons that seem to be shooting up to the sky.
4. Pink And Blue Hot Air Balloons Weekly Theme

If you enjoy creating hot air balloon doodles then this weekly layout by cin_bujo will be your favourite. I love how the centre of the spread seems like you’re peaking outside your window to see a whole bunch of hot air balloons flying in the sky!
5. Hot Air Balloon Weekly Layout With Stickers

I love how fenkesjournal has created this journal by using these wonderful stickers. Love them? You can head to her Etsy Store to buy them for yourself. Everything from the scotch tapes, to the quotes to the bullet journal doodles are available as a single sticker piece on her Etsy store.
6. Bright Yellow Hot Air Balloons

If you don’t want to use stickers, then here are some other weekly spreads by fenkesjournal that you can take inspiration from. I love how the weekend blocks are separate altogether.
7. Week Planning Layout

Another great one by fenkesjournal that lets you plan the entire week in one page. All your need to do is decide a colour theme and then sketch this layout with blocks for each day along with hot air balloon doodles on the side.
8. Water Colour Hot Air Balloon Weekly Layout

Want to create a dreamy effect with hot air balloons? Look at this beautiful spread by study__cloud for inspiration. I love the beautiful colour combinations and the pattersn of the balloons as well the clouds.
9. Aesthetic Hot Air Balloon Week Layout

Here’s an aesthetically pleasing and elegant hot air theme weekly bullet journal layout by bujoaddict__. I love the way the date and week names are written. The doodles are also minimal and beautiful.
10. Minimalist Hot Air Balloon Weekly Spread

Want to keep it super minimal yet creative? This weekly spread by snj.teaches with a cute hot air balloon doodle in the margin is perfect. I also love the stippling effect in the doodle.
11. Pink Hot Air Balloons Weekly Layout

Looking for a completely different colour theme to set the mood? Then, you will love this pink hot air balloon themed weekly layout with by the.little.journalist. This spread is creative on so many levels! I mean, just look how wonderful the placards for each day of the week look hanging from those hot air balloons!
12. Flowers in Hot Air Balloon Baskets

This monthly layout by jbcreativity92 is different and beautiful as it has those pretty flowers in the hot air balloon baskets. You can take inspiration from these for your spread.
13. Simple Weekly Spread With Events Log

Short of time? You can quickly draw this hot air balloon theme weekly layout by bujoaddict__. It has only one hot air balloon doodle which means you don’t need to spend too much time on drawing. Yet the layout, looks complete and beautiful.
Hot Air Balloon Theme Monthly Layouts
The bullet journal monthly layout page is very useful if you like to mark the important dates and events. Personally, I mostly stick to weekly layouts. So, I’ve collected fewer ideas for month layouts. Here are the ones that I liked the most.
1. Hot Air Balloons Monthly Spread

The sky is the limit! Love the opening note in the month layout by bullseye.journaling. The colour theme of pink and orange is also very aesthetic. Take inspirations from this lovely layout to create your monthly calendar.
2. Monhtly Spread And Planner

Loved the hot air balloon winter carnival theme? Take inspiration from this lovely layout by paysbulletjournal. Along with the calendar, it also has blocks for major areas of planning.
Hot Air Balloon Themed Mood Tracker

Your monthly bujo is incomplete without the mood tracker page. Here’s an interesting way to track your moods of the month using the layout created by letteringthisandthat. Draw a giant hot hair balloon with these patterns. Pick your colour theme and assign a colour to every mood. And, you’re ready!

If you’ve more time in hand, you can create a more elaborate mood tracker like this one by miloe.joanne. There’s one hot air balloon for every day. Each of these vary in shape and size. You can create a similar spread by creating hot air balloon doodles in your own unique manner.
Hot Air Balloon Themed Habit Tracker

Tracking our habits is the easiest way to make sure that we make progress. I love this combination of habit tracker and mood tracker by bujoaddict__. The 3 word quote ‘still I rise’ sums it all. Often, we tend to lose touch with ourselves and forget all about staying consistent. Your habit tracker is your reminder that it’s okay if you didn’t show up for a while. Show up today, rise today and do what needs to be done.
That’s all! I hope you loved my collection of the best hot air balloon theme bullet journal. Take inspiration, follow these amazing artists, maybe leave some loving comments on their works (the world always needs that!), and personalise these ideas to create your very own unique hot air balloon themed month.
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