It is a new month and it is also the time for a new bullet journal. February certainly has a romantic vibe to it. With the pleasant weather and the infamous Valentine’s day, this month is all about the celebration of love and romance. So here we are with 50+ February bullet journal ideas for you to choose from.
So if you are looking for some mind-boggling February bullet journal ideas, then here we are with an inexhaustible list. Don’t worry, we have got your back in this regard.
In this list of February bullet journal ideas, you will find a wide range of cover page ideas, themes, layouts, and much more. We’ve got everything sorted here, from cover pages to monthly spreads. You keep your days a bit more sorted and productive, we have also included some interesting habit trackers and weekly spreads in this list of February bullet journal ideas.
You can check out some more bullet journal ideas here on- 34+ November Bullet Journal Ideas For Your Bujo. You can also check out our blog to explore some good habit tracker ideas like this one here- 25+ Fitness Bullet Journal Ideas to Keep You Motivated.
Table of Contents
10 Themes For February Bullet Journal
It is always a better option to plan the bullet journal a month ahead. So if you are looking for some February bullet journal ideas then here are some love-themed layouts for this month of love and romance. With these love-themed bullet journal ideas and some more, you can exhibit your creativity. Having a proper theme for the layout actually gives the journal a more positive vibe. So here are some fantabulous February bullet journal ideas for you.
1. Feb in Red Theme
Source – kathrynn.lynnn
If you are looking for something special for this month of February then you can certainly opt for this love-themed February bullet journal layout. This BuJo theme is unique in essence. It has maintained an undying simplicity but has also created a very romantic aura. To keep things simple kathyrnn.lynnn has used a red pen to write ‘February’ in a simple style. And use some more colored pens to draw nice little hearts to keep the love-theme strong. This February bullet journal idea is so quaint. Especially the way it will remind you every day that you are loved is so thoughtful. After all, in our busy schedule, we all deserve to know that we are all loved.
2. La Vi En Rose Theme
Source – bujobydiana
Roses are the classic emblem of love. And in this month of love and emotions if you are looking for something soft and poetic, then this February bullet journal theme by bujobydiana is the best. With the Eiffel Tower and the soft pink roses around, this spread is just lovely. I love the way she has painted everything in a beautiful light shade. This journal is perfect for the romantic mood of the month.
3. Lavender Love February Bullet Journal
Source : fishsticksbujo
Monthly bullet journal ideas don’t always look that elaborate. A bullet journal is all about personalizing the layout. For instance, this lavender February bullet journal layout is stunning. With the beautiful purple lavender, these BuJo pages will do the trick. It will make your February bullet journal inspiring. And how can one forget that beautiful motivational quote that will only push you to give your best every day?
4. Succulent Theme
Source – _artventurous_
If I’ve to choose a bullet journal theme, I always try to pick one that has some sort of motivating quote or lines. It keeps me motivated and helps me have more productive days. So when I saw this cover page by _artventurous_ I had to include it in the list. This February bullet journal idea is not just green but also teaches that tomorrow is a new day, a new chance. The cute mood tracker is certainly the best way to maintain a mentally healthy day along with a productive day.
5. Love the Roses Bullet Journal Spread
Source –
This February Bujo spread is simply stunning. February feels like a perfect time to let yourself indulge in some pastel pink love. has used two tones of pink and a beautiful green to go along with it. The cover spread is surreal. With the beautiful pink roses, this February bullet journal is celebrating the month of love.
6. Flower Doodle Theme
Source – paperi.lintu
Floral patterns are an excellent idea for bullet journals. Like this one here by paperi.lintu which will certainly remind you of the Spring even in this cold February. I like the whole warm tone in this one. The vibrant colors used have made this layout so precious and unique. But my favorite spread in this BuJo is, without any doubt, the mood tracker layout.
7. My Heart Goals Boom
Source – shamelesscreates
February is booming with love and hearts. This red-based February bullet journal is just so vibrant. Red is often considered the color of passion and love. And shamelesscreates has perfectly captured the essence of the same in this bullet journal. With the weekly goals layout, you can make new goals every day and achieve something greater with each passing day. Love is not just about romance, it is also about loving yourself, prioritizing your mental health so let this mood tracker do keep a track of that as well.
8. Do-nut Forget To Love Yourself
Source – kennsteschonlettering
February is all about love and affection. So if you are a lover of donuts and have a sweet-tooth then this February bullet journal idea by kennsteschonlettering will win your heart. The pink theme is so strong that it reminds me of cotton candy. She has used only a few color pens to achieve this pink bullet journal spread.
9. Race to the Mountain
Source – rach_bujo
Being a girl from the hills, this one certainly has a special place in my heart. Even as a kid I always felt that trekking in the mountains is like an achievement. And now that I am learning the ways of adulting, the childhood thought has a new metaphorical meaning. This metaphorical meaning is perfectly echoed in the quote used by rach_bujo. So with this bullet journal, set your goals straight this month, fall in love with your goals. The cloud and the sun have made the whole scene so picturesque. The trees are making the mountain vibes real. This may even tempt you to take that long due vacation to the mountains!
10. Cherry Blossom Theme
Source – plinthced
This cherry blossom February bullet journal spread is surreal. With four different shades of pink plinthced has created this beautiful layout. What I liked most about this bullet journal layout is the ample space for gratitude. This is something so important. We all are setting goals and chasing them, and we forget to appreciate all that we have. So it is important to write gratitudes every day. Just as a reminder.
13 February Bullet Journal Cover Page Ideas
Bullet journal cover page is an excellent way to showcase your creativity and it certainly reflects your mood and personality. The cover page is like a Tabula Rasa that you can fill with colors and doodles and everything else that makes you, you. There are various ways of doing it. With doodles, or colored pens, or even simply writing the name of the month in fancy handwriting, add some personality and character to the cover page. It acts as a separator between the months giving each month a new theme to go with. Here are some February bullet journal cover page ideas that you can explore.
1. Magical Starry Sky

This February bullet journal cover page idea by kawaiipenshop inspired by yuanuai. This magical starry night was created with just two colors. I like the moon in the center. It enhances the whole dream-like essence of this cover page. With the skyscrapers and the moon, this starry sky looks unearthly.
2. Amster-damn!

This February let go of all the worries with this Amsterdam-themed cover page. Daintydotsanddoodles has chosen a perfect theme to capture the free love essence of this month of February. With the pink and violet and the soft purple, the buildings have their own charm. And the fun fact is that she opted to draw actual buildings from a reference picture. I like how the simplicity of the cover page that has been kept intact by the simple lettering of the word ‘February’.
3. Wreath of Cherry

How dreamlike is this beautiful flower wreath? Bujo_squad has kept things simple and has stuck to the basics. With the use of three basic colors, she has beautifully done this February bullet journal cover page. A flower wreath is indeed an effective way to fill up the cover page. And the simple lettering of the name of the month only adds more character to the cover page.
4. The Little Prince

If you have ever read this little book called The Little Prince, then you know how much this particular quote means. In fact, having a quote like this one here on the cover page itself will only remind you not to take things you have for granted. Dorkysramos has used mighty blue as the background and has used a contrasting shade of red to write February which looks stunning.
5. The Month of Love

Let the love grow every day like a flower with this bullet journal cover page idea. Yita.journal has used this beautiful rose in a glass jar to show how life and love work. Every day we grow and that is how our life should grow too.
6. Love is all you need

Sincerely.ziah has beautifully captured the theme of the month. Love and roses are like eternal partners. And she has used both to make this one cover page more than perfect. Besides the quote, the best part about this cover page is the month calendar. To be honest, I love such cover pages. Because it gives me an overview of what the month will look like.
7. Enjoy February with Strawberry

How simple and cute is this cover page? With the strawberries raining everywhere on this cover page lauren_lettering has created perfect winter vibes. The simple block letters used to write ‘February’ has further heightened the presence of the strawberries.
8. Flowers all Over

These blue flowers and the yellow in between have created a perfect harmony on this cover page by bujobyprav. With the use of blue and yellow, this page looks vibrant and yet so elegant.
9. Avo-cuddle

There is something very special about this exotic fruit, avocado just like this month of February. So if you are looking for a February bullet journal idea then this one’s for you. I love how nataliedrawn has done the whole avo-cuddle thing. With two happy halves of the same avocado let your thoughts flow this month.
10. Change is the Only Constant

I have always loved this saying. And to be fair it is the universal truth. Everything is subjected to change, and so are we. So when I spotted this bullet journal cover page I knew I had to share it with you all. I like how bujo_withemma has drawn the tiny little flowers and those lovely hanging lanterns. There is something about this cover page that gives me a feeling of hope.
11. Welcome to the Cat land

I am not really a cat person but that didn’t stop me from loving this cover page idea by _bronte.art_. I like the layout with all these colorful cats jumping and hopping all over it. She has used different toned colors to make it more vibrant and interesting. I like how the simple use of washi tapes have given it an extra edge.
12. F for Fruits and Fries

Any foodie here who is being forced to eat healthily? Don’t we all love some fires and some pizzas? But yeah eating healthy is important too, so here we are with a mix of the two. Everydaybulletjournal has created this interesting concept for this cover page. It is certainly going to flatter a foodie’s heart. The doodles are simple and colorful; the simple block lettered ‘February’ at the center only heightens the simplicity.
13. Bowl of Love

This is the most simple one on the list. With this bowl of colorful hearts, you can start this month of love and affection on a positive note. Joannetrinh has kept the whole theme simple and sleek.
6 February Bullet Journal Weekly Layout Ideas
Planning is everything. It keeps the work sorted, the time well utilized, and the mind decluttered. And what can plan a week better than an efficient weekly layout? On a personal note, weekly layouts are my favorite. And why not? They keep my schedule sorted, and is way more detailed than the monthly layouts. It is a good competitor of the daily logs, as it is detailed but less time-consuming. You can easily draw a nice weekly spread and add in the week’s schedule to give a visual representation to look at. At a glance, you will know what exactly your week is going to look like. Here are some inspiring February bullet journal weekly ideas for you.
1. Garden of Flowers

This lovely weekly spread is not just efficient but also beautiful. has created a beautiful garden of flowers with these colorful roses. With different shades and those little leaves, this layout is vibrant.
2. Magical Night February Bullet Journal Weekly layout

This beautiful black and pink themed weekly spread has a magical tone to it. has included a little of everything to create this perfect amalgamation of mystery and magic. Especially the little moon and cloud at the corners of the pages have given it the perfect kind of character. What I like the most about this spread is certainly the space for quotes. Quotes may seem silly, but honestly, I find them extremely motivating.
3. Sunny Sunflower

This one by bullet.journal.mb has got to be my favorite weekly journal on the list. It is not just because of the bright yellow sunflower, but also because of how she has done this layout. Weeks are mostly days when we have too much on our plate, so ample space is required to manage the days, and this journal weekly spread has exactly that. You can comfortably plan your week as well as the weekends. And how can one miss the section left out for notes? We all like some extra space.
4. One Cup At A Time

This weekly spread by thesunflower_life is simple and will remind you every day to take it easy. We often tend to get serious in life, but at times it is okay to not be so okay, and this spread will remind you exactly that. I like how she has used simple cutouts and pictures to embellish the page, a great way out for people who are not so comfortable with doodling.
5. I Need Space

I love this one, it has space; a lot of space. So if you think weekly spreads don’t have enough space for you to manage your week in detail, well paigejacquelinejournaling has a perfect layout for you. With just three colors- lemon, blue, and coral zebra mildliners, this weekly spread is a combo of minimalism and vibrance.
6. Winnie the Pooh

As a kid i loved Winnie the Pooh, maybe it is the red and yellow combination that appealed to my soul back then. But this BuJo page by cillysbujo seems to bring back those memories. I like the small details in this layout, the small bees buzzing around, the barrel of honey, and even the heart that Winnie is hugging, everything tells a perfect story. The notes section is so helpful, that little space can hold all our extra important deadlines and things to do.
5 February Bullet Journal Monthly Layout Ideas
There are many who prefer a monthly layout for their bullet journal. It has its own charm. For instance, a monthly journal will give you an bird’s eye view of the whole month. Here you can map out your entire month and also fill up the to-dos as you go on with the month. Here are some amazing monthly layout for your February bullet journal.
1. The House on the Edge

How vibrant does this layout look? Bullet.ideas.journal has used the page to make a nice calendar like layout with colorful boxes dedicated to each day. The boxes look small but are enough to note down the important to-dos. I like the green house on the edge. It makes this otherwise simple layout much more interesting.
2. Can’t Stand the Rain

If you like minimalism, then I am sure that this monthly layout by studystripes has already caught your eyes. This monthly calendar has used only two basic colors of blue and grey. The simplicity is further enhanced by the clouds on the corners.
3. Cactus All Over

This simply monthly calendar by melsevial is adorable. The doodles are easy and colorful. I like how she has kept the rest of the layout simple and void of many colors. This calendar will give you a nice aerial view of your whole month’s schedule.
4. Premium Coffee

Olabulletjournal has won over every coffee lover with this monthly layout. Besides the monthly calendar and ample space, this layout has amazing doodles. Coffee and tea doodles are quite simple, but when put together look stunning just like this monthly spread here.
5. In the Woods

Nothing is impossible; problems always have their own solutions; give you all to your goals; we all have heard such motivational lines, but we often tend to forget them. So this month let bullet_n_books keep you motivated with this month’s calendar. It is yet another minimalistic option for you. The light shades have given this spread the little bit of color that it requires.
7 February Bullet Journal Trackers Ideas
Trackers are important. There are various kinds of trackers- mood trackers, habit trackers, health trackers, fitness trackers, and so on. Personally, this is my favorite section of any bullet journal. But often it is taken for granted. Trackers have their own roles to play. For instance, a mood tracker is important to maintain a healthy mind in this busy life. A health tracker can be used to keep a track of your lifestyle choices. In a way trackers also help you to keep a visual check on your productivity and also your healthy habits.
Here are some more fitness tracker ideas for you- 25+ Fitness Bullet Journal Ideas To Keep You Motivated.
1. The Wheel of Mood

I love mood trackers and you should too. We live busy lives, too many targets to chase, and less time to meet friends. And hence mood trackers become important to maintain a healthy mind along with a healthy body. This wheel of mood by bullet.ideas.journal is one such mood tracker. With these five colors, you can color your days according to your mood.
2. Buzzing Mood

Yet another quirky mood tracker. Bubble.journal has drawn such a fun mood tracker layout that even looking at it will ease your mood a little. So go ahead and color the bees according to your mood of the day.
3. Paint them Green

Mental health is important; as important as anything else in life. But how do we maintain good mental health? Well, tracking it is a good way to start it. _artventurous_ has drawn these easy and cute cactus doodles. All you have to do is color them according to your mood of the day.
4. A Macaroon a Day

One macaroon a day will keep the bad emotions away. Bujobydiana has found an interesting way to track mood and habits. I like how she has chosen a color gradient to fill the macaroons. The habit tracker is also quite interesting. It has space to track enough habit of yours.
5. Expense Tracker

As an adult tracing the monthly expense is a part of adulting. To be fair, tracking a monthly expense helps us not only save money but also helps us to learn the advantages of savings. Creativemindscoffeegrinds has drawn a simple layout for this purpose. The purple and black color combination have unleashed a magical effect on this page.
6. Color the Postcards

Bulletvguils has kept this mood tracker simple. I absolutely love the little postcards. With simply two colors she has created this creative mood tracker. So go ahead and create a replica of this one and track your mood this month.
7. Sleep tracker

This tracker is a massive blessing for the insomniacs like me. No worries, justafangirljournaling has a tracker for this problem. Sleep is absolutely important o have a healthy life and a productive mind. So sleep well and let this track help you track your sleep.
So here we are at the end of this long list of options! Here you will find something of your choice of February bullet journal layouts. These are simply inspirations that you can replicate or even modify a little more to suit your taste. So go ahead and pick your favorite one and do let us know in the comment section below. Happy journaling!
Also, if you like these ideas then you can pin this article to your Pinterest board by clicking on the image below.