7 Easy DIY Home Projects for Quarantine Time

Easy DIY Home Projects During Qurantine



Its quarantine time, and most of us are stuck at home, bored not knowing what to do. So why not unleash the creative side of you? Here are some easy DIY home projects that you can do in the comfort of your home during this quarantine. What more, no fancy materials or complicated techniques. Just some easy DIYs that you can do when bored. So let’s get crafty! 

1. Bored Jar Easy DIY Home Project

If you’re bored and are clueless about what to do, then why not let the bored jar decide for you? The bored jars are one of my favorite DIY home projects to do. The basic idea of a bored jar is a jar filled with stuff to do when you are bored. It can be anything from cleaning your closet to prank calling your friend or watching your favorite shows on Netflix. What makes bored jar even more fun and exciting is that there’s an added element of surprise to it. Even though you are the one writing all the tasks, there’s joy in discovering what you picked from the jar. So next time you’re bored, just pick up a mission from the bored jar and get going. The tasks can be fun, like watching a movie, or more productive ones like write a story or do ten squats.  

Little hearts bored jar

bored jar diy home project

This little heart’s bored jar is just adorable. All you need is a glass jar and some cute little heart cutouts filled with different tasks to do when bored. You can mix up the tasks so that there is a balance between being productive and simply goofing around. You may decorate the glass jar with stickers and doodles if you like. 

In case you’re new to doodling, you can check out this all-new step-by-step doodling e-book by me. This way, you’ll have another creative skill to have fun with while you’re at home. 

365 doodles

Learning how to doodle is super fun and easy

Once you know how to create these simple doodles, they open up limitless ways to get creative. You can use doodles in your art journal, in your monthly bullet journal theme, in hand-made greeting cards, and even pair them up with your favourite quotes and put them up as wall-decor in your room! Avail Pre-Sale Offer – Buy for just $5

easy diy bored jar to make at home

This Popsicle stick bored jar by whatmomslove.com is more durable than the previous one. You can replace the paper chits with a sturdier option in the form of wooden sticks. If you don’t happen to have access to many Popsicle sticks, then you may use other alternatives too. Paint one end of the stick to make it fun and quirky and write the chore or task on the other end. Let fate decide what you have to do.

Bored Jar Ideas:

Now, if you loved the idea of making a bored jar, here are some tasks you can fill it up with. Feel free to add your thoughts as well.

  • Watch a movie
  • Build a pillow fort
  • Make a bucket list
  • Do DIY home projects
  • Read a book
  • Clean your closet
  • Practice Hand Lettering
  • Watch Netflix
  • Play dress up with your clothes
  • Write a story
  • draw/ color
  • Make popcorn
  • Do your hair or a friend’s
  • Paint your nails
  • Finish your homework
  • Do 20 pushups
  • Play music and dance
  • Fold the laundry
  • Play a board game
  • Start an Instagram live
  • Call your grandparents/ relatives.

2. Kitchen Menu Board Easy DIY Home Project

Ever happened to crave for your favorite meal only to find out that you don’t have the required ingredients to prepare it? Are you or your family is bored of eating the same kind of meals every day and looking for a list of food options and recipe ideas? Do you find yourself spending way too much time deciding what to make for dinner? Well then planning your meals is the way to go. 

Meal planning is a great way to focus on your family’s dietary requirements, ensuring that they eat a balanced diet, also taking into account their tastes and food preferences. This easy DIY Menu Board is especially useful during quarantine as by planing the week’s meal right at the onset of the week, you will be able to reduce the frequent visits to the grocery store just because you forgot to grab something the previous time. It’s better to be safe than sorry. It also helps you save money by reducing the frequency of eating out.

menu board diy home project

This cute DIY Menu board by littlethingsinlifelanne.blogspot.com is an efficient way to plan your meal.  She has used wooden clothespins to indicate the day of the week and many little Popsicle sticks to help her plan her meal. An envelope in the side holds all the different dishes, and you can pick whatever you feel like making that week. You can make it even more attractive by using Hand Lettering to write the menu. Check out our article on how to get started with hand lettering. Hang it in the kitchen and plan your grocery list accordingly.

menu board easy diy home projects

This easy DIY menu board by playpartyplan.com is all you need and more for a meal planner. It has different bins at the bottom for chicken recipes, meat recipes, vegan recipes, and so on. Not only that, but it also has a notepad attached and pockets for you to store extra cards and pens. Just when you thought that it couldn’t get any more organized! Check out their blogpost to get the detailed step by step tutorial on how to make this menu board. 

3. Easy Wall hangings Room Decor DIY Home Project

Wall hangings are a fun way to jazz up your room and decorate those lonely walls of your room. Here are some fun paper wall hanging DIYs that you can make this quarantine.

Hearts Wall Hanging

easy diy wall hangings to make at home

This little heart paper wall hanging by BuzzFeed is here to steal your heart. You can use recycled paper from magazines and scrapbooks or cut off different colored chart papers or simply paint these paper hearts. String them together and attach them to a wooden rod or anything else of that sort. Voila! There you have it, a cute heart wall hanging made from paper.

Ombre Paper Chain Wall Hanging

diy paper wall hanging home project

This Ombre Paper Chain Wall Hanging by designimprovised.com is my favorite from the list. This chain wall hanging is yet another way to convert simple strips of paper into something beautiful. It can make a huge difference in your empty walls. It also adds a fresh 3D texture, which you can’t get from framed photos or paintings on the wall.

For making this, all you need are strips of paper of 5 different shades of the same color, a pair of scissors, a stapler, and a curtain rod or a wooden rod. Connect these strips of paper by making rings, and once the chains are done, hang it on the rod. Check out  designimprovised.com for step by step guidelines on how to make this beauty.

Paper Feather Wall Hanging

wall hanging easy diy home projects for quarantine

This colorful paper feather wall hanging by designimprovised.com is yet another way to add some color and texture to your lifeless walls. Check out their blogpost to know how it’s made.

Phases Of The Moon Wall Hanging

moon wall hanging home project

This moon phases wall decor by track.bestestpin.com is just so minimal and elegant. Simply cut out different phases of the moon on a piece of cardboard and spray paint it gold. You may also choose to cover it in foil or simply decorate it in any other color of your choice. String them together and hang it on your wall.

4. Easy DIY Pen Holder Made From Paper

Pen stands are an easy way to organize your desk and add some color and life to your otherwise dull desk. Here are some DIY pen stands made from paper:

Origami Pen Stand

easy diy origami pen stand

Origami is the Japanese art of folding paper into decorative shapes and figures. Not only is it a fun DIY, but origami also allows you to develop excellent motor skills and mental concentration. Origami is right for you as it develops eye-hand coordination, sequencing skills, maths reasoning, spatial skills, memory, patience, and attention skills.

This origami pen stand by mycrafts.com is very easy to make. All you need is a few sheets of colored paper.

Recycled Paper Pen Stand

recycled pen stand easy home project

This recycled magazine pen stand by thecraftcorner.ie is straightforward to make and is environment friendly. All you need is different sheets of old magazine papers and glue to hold it all together.

Paper Quilling Pen Stand

paper quilling easy home project

Paper quilling is the art of rolling, shaping, and gluing paper that results in creating a unified, decorative design. Even though it looks robust and intricate, quilling is actually fun and easy to learn. This paper quilling pen stand by Dreams Unlimited is comfortable and perfect if you are just beginning your quilting journey.

5. Paper Garlands Easy DIY Home Project

Paper garlands are quick and straightforward party decoration props. You can make them suit any theme, and they also double up as home decor after the party is done. Here are some DIY paper garlands that you can make this quarantine:

Diy paper flower garland   

easy home projects to do during quarantine

This paper flower garland by thehousethatlarsbuilt.com is fun, cheerful, and light. All you need to do is cut out a few paper flowers and leaves and string them together. It is perfect to light up any dull wall or can be used as a party decoration. Head over to thehousethatlarsbuilt.com to see how it’s made.

Cute hearts garland

easy diy paper garland home project

This cute hearts paper garland by gion.ourprolaw.com will melt your heart. All you need to do is cut out paper hearts from different colored sheets and string them up together. You can then hang it across the room or on your bed.

Rainbow Fan Garland

rainbow garland diy project

This rainbow fan garland by icecreamoffpaperplates.com is so easy to make. All you need are a pair of scissors, tape, and paper to create this colorful DIY decoration for a rainbow theme party. Check out their blog to see the steps to make this paper garland.

6. Easy DIY Coasters Made From Recycled Paper

Coasters are a great way to keep your drink from spoiling your table. It’s also a great way to add a pop of color to your dining area or any other surface. These diy coasters are one of the easiest home projects to do. The coasters made from recycled papers are not only environment friendly but are also an excellent way for you to express yourself through your art.

Circle Drink Coaster

diy paper coasters to make at home

This circular drink coaster by hubpages.com is super absorbent and pretty at the same time. All you need are strips of newspaper or magazine papers and some glue to hold it together. Head over to their blog to see how to make coasters from paper, fabric, tiles, and more!

Coiled Paper Square Coaster

easy diy home projects

This square paper coaster made by coiling paper together is very similar to the previous one except that this brings a more geometric/modern dimension to the table.  The coiled paper square coaster is again very easy to make and is a perfect project to take up this quarantine.

7. DIY Vision Board DIY Home Project

Its quarantine, and you have plenty of time on your hands. And while you are at it doing diy home projects, why not use this time to make a vision board get a step closer to your goals? 

A dream board or vision board is a great way to manifest your dreams. It is typically a collage of images, pictures, and affirmations of one’s thoughts and desires, designed to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation. It also serves as a tool to use the law of attraction to attain your goals. Many celebrities and influential people, including Arnold Schwarzenegger and Oprah Winfrey, have used vision boards to manifest what they want in life.

A vision board creates an emotional connection that motivates you to achieve your dreams. It makes real the dream in your mind, so you begin to believe it’s possible. If you aren’t sure about what you want in life, a vision board also helps you clarify what you want out of your life because it forces you to put something down.

So if you are convinced about making a vision board, here are a few different ways to make one:

Cloud shaped vision board

easy vision board diy at home

This cloud-shaped wall mounted vision board by dailymail.co.uk is here to help you realize your dreams. It’s another one of the easy diy home projects that you can take up this quarantine. Simply cut a chart into the shape of a cloud or any other form of your desire. Fill it with images about your future goals, the type of house you want to live in, destinations you want to visit, relationship goals, and so on. Place the vision board somewhere where you can see it daily. That way, you will be continuously motivated to achieve your goals.

‘I AM’ positive affirmations vision board

dream board diy home projects

The ‘I AM’ positive affirmations vision board by developgoodhabits.com will help you achieve your dreams. Unlike the previous one, this board does not have any pictures. Instead, it’s filled with positive affirmations. The primary purpose of a positive affirmation board is to help you maintain a higher level of self-awareness and focus on positive thoughts that strengthen your desires and aims.

Affirmations can be sentences, words, or simple phrases. Some examples of affirmations are:

  • I am purposeful
  • I choose to be happy today
  • Today is a great day
  • I can achieve greatness.
  • I love and accept myself.
  • My body is healthy
  • And so on…

Bullet Journal Vision Board

diy bullet journal vision board home project

If you do not want to display your dreams and vision to the rest of the world or simply want to keep it more personal, then this bullet journal vision board is perfect for you. It is similar to any other vision boards except that it is not out for display; instead, it’s secure in a journal. To see how to make this dream board, head over to WitchVisionBoard. You can also learn to create doodles for your vision board in this e-book about step-by-step doodling

So there you go, that was the list of easy DIY home projects to do this quarantine. Do get crafty and try them out. Don’t hesitate to add a personal touch to it. Tell us which DIY you liked the best and share your feedback with us.

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