Recently, I have been experiencing a lot of ups and downs in my mood. A lot of stress and anxiety followed by sudden unexpected bouts of happiness. That’s when I thought that it would be a good idea to keep track of my mood in my bullet journal mood tracker.
Mood trackers are an exciting way to keep track of your good days or gloomy days. Not only this, but they also help you to identify the triggers that affect the way you feel on a day to day basis.
In this blog, we will be talking about what mood trackers are and why you should maintain one too. Then, we will be looking at various different bullet journal mood trackers so that you can create one too according to your needs and preferences.
What are Mood Trackers?
Mood tracking is a positive psychology technique for improving mental health. It requires you to record your mood, usually at set time intervals, in order to help identify patterns in how your mood varies.
A mood tracker is simply a tool that allows you to track your mood. It can be an app on your smartphone, a printable sheet that you downloaded on Pinterest or you can create a bullet journal mood tracker.
If you want to try tracking your mood for the first time, you can start with the simple mood tracker printable below. You can create your own set of moods, color code them as per your liking, and start filling in.

Click to download the free printable
Why keep track of your mood?
Keeping track of your mood will help you identify the triggers that lead to changes in your mood so that the next time you are faced with a similar situation, you can plan ahead and take time to cool down, maybe meditate.
Mood tracking is also a self-help method for people suffering from various mood disorders such as anxiety and clinical disorder. Therapists recommend tracking mood between sessions so that you know exactly how you feel even when you fail to describe it in words.
One good thing about mood trackers is that you can even blend moods or make up new moods if you are unsure of how you are feeling.
It helps to know how far you have come and what exactly you are capable of. You can use mood trackers to keep checks on your physical health as well. After all, your physical health is a direct reflection of your mental and emotional health.
Best Bullet Journal Mood Tracker Ideas
While there are various apps to keep track of your mood, nothing is more satisfying than coloring the pages of your bullet journal mood tracker. Here are different ways to customize your journal to keep track of your mood. Some of them are decorative while the rest are minimalistic. So go through all of them and pick one according to your needs and preferences. Remember, these are just templates and you can always customize them according to your requirements. You can also get creative and decorate them with doodles.
(I’ve created a special step-by-step doodling e-book to help you do that!)
Our doodles cover all seasons, events, food, flowers and animals. Grab It For $10
Now, let’s get started with looking at some of the best mood journaling ideas!
1. Year In Pixels Mood Tracker for Your Bullet Journal

Year in Pixels bullet journal mood tracker is a great tool if you want a yearly view of how your mood has been. It follows a tight grid with each column representing different months of the year and each row numbered from 1 to 31. The key is very detailed, but you can modify it according to your taste.
2. Bee Positive Mood Tracker for Your Bullet Journal

This bullet journal mood tracker by Samantha Bassett is simple yet cheerful. It is shaped like a beehive, spreading sweetness and positivity. Simply draw thirty or thirty-one hexagons to denote each day of the month. The key at the bottom is very simple with just four colors denoting very good, good, okay and not good. However, you can customize the key according to your requirements. Add a few honey bees and dotted lines as embellishments and you are good to go.
3. Light Up My World Mood Tracker

This mood tracker by is here to brighten up your month. It involves lights hanging from the ceiling denoting the days of the month. At the bottom of the page is a set of twelve small boxes indicating various different moods ranging from happy to sad, nervous to tired, grumpy to loved. You can use the same scale or choose to keep it simple like the previous key. You will end up with a rather colorful page at the end of the month.
4. When Life gives you Lemons… Make some lemonade

This fun citrus themed bullet journal mood tracker by is one of my favorites from the list. It has three slices of lime, each representing ten days of the month. The key is also fresh and simple with smileys to denote different moods. When life gives you lemons, make some lemonade.
5. Paper Planes Mood Tracker

This minimalist paper plane mood journal by is simple yet artsy. It’s a dial with thirty or thirty-one boxes around it for the days of the month. It has a very pleasing and aesthetic paper plane design in the center with a simple smiley face key at the bottom.
Coming back home after a tiring day to fill in these boxes will surely be a therapeutic experience. You can modify the key and add in a few details or choose to keep it simple as it is.
6. Mood Meter For Your Bullet Journal

This bullet journal mood tracker by is shaped like a thermometer. At the end of the month, you will end up with a very colorful thermometer, showing you how your mood has been throughout the month. You can identify the triggers and take steps accordingly.
7. Mood By The Shore

This beautiful seashore themed mood tracker is a part of the summer collection by It has seashells, starfishes and all things nice. The shells are numbered to denote the different days of the month. The key is again simple with colors and smileys. It follows a red color scheme, but you can change it up to match your vibe.
8. Lemon Heaven

This is yet another citrus themed bullet journal mood tracker by Pen and Paperie on Instagram. The carpels of the fruit denote the days of the month. Six circles at the bottom colored in different shades of orange indicate different moods. The different variations of mood include motivated, happy, calm, tired, stressed and sad. So next time you feel a certain way, just pick up a color and fill in the fruit.
9. Mood Memories Bullet Journal Mood Tracker

This is yet another fun, colorful mood journal. It paints a colorful picture of how your month has been through cute little Polaroids hanging from the wall. You can also decorate it with a Polaroid camera at the bottom like this one here. The key is also a rather cheerful one with all the different colors of the rainbow.
10. Mood Magic Bullet Journal Mood Tracker

This cute mood tracker in pastels is a circle mood tracker by Claudia Joseph on Instagram. It follows a similar system to the paper plane mood tracker above. With a circular dial representing the different days of the month and a cute pastel cloud in the center, this one is definitely magical and adorable. The key is also simple with soft, soothing colors to calm you down at the end of the day.
11. Mood Graph For Your Bullet Journal

The bullet journal mood graph by u/astralaffection is minimalist yet elegant. The x-axis is a scale from one to ten, representing how you feel, one being the least and ten the best. The y-axis represents different days of the month. Each day will give you a different position on the graph and by the end of the month, you will have a proper graph of how you feel.
12. Fly High, Fighter Fly Mood Tracker

This adorable mood tracker reminds me of the movie Up. It has 31 numbered balloons for the 31 days of the month with a simple log at the bottom. This one is by You can customize it according to your liking, using different colors and keys.
13. Hot Air Balloon Bullet Journal Mood Tracker

Similar to the previous one, this one is a hot air balloon floating high up in the sky. The key at the bottom is simple with four small boxes in a banner. You can draw cute little clouds to add to the aesthetics. This bullet journal mood tracker is by
14. Donut Disturb Mood Tracker

This delightful doughnut-shaped mood tracker by is truly one of a kind. It has sprinkles all over it with a key at the bottom denoting various different moods, so at the end of the month, you have a colourful doughnut.
15. Fairy lights Mood Tracker

This colourful set of fairy lights mood tracker is by It’s very similar to the second mood tracker, the only difference being that the lights are floating instead of hanging from the top.
16. Warm, Fuzzy Ball of Yarn Mood Tracker

This fuzzy ball of yarn mood tracker by is very detailed and articulate. So if you’re good at drawing, and have some time on your hand, then this one is perfect for you. This one follows a blue colour scheme, but you can customize it according to your liking.
17. Paint Me Down Bullet Journal Mood Tracker

This canvas and paint mood tracker by Crazy Laura again has 31 adorable canvasses with a paintbrush and palette at the bottom with different moods like bored, mad, happy and content. So paint your mood onto the canvas each day and see what your month was like at the end.
18. Mood Mandala For Your Bullet Journal

Mandala art is so calming and is one of my favourite stress busters. If you are a fan of mandala too, then this mood mandala by is the perfect fit for you. The key is simply making it the perfect way to destress after a tiring day.
19. Flower Power

This floral mood tracker by is one of my favourites from the lot. It has tiny flowers and leaves with numbers indicating the days of the month. You can choose to stick with different shades of a particular colour or get creative and fill out the flowers with different colours of your choice. But the trick is to have fun with it.
20. Art to Heal the Heart Mood Tracker indeed has some really bright ideas for bullet journal mood trackers. This one has cute doodling on the top with simple hearts to represent the different days of the month. The key is different shades of red and pink making it all the more appealing.
21. Popsicle Mood Tracker

This very summery popsicle mood tracker by will take you back to your childhood. Each popsicle has 15 stripes representing the days of the month and the soft pastel colours make it very cute indeed.
22. Ice cream and Lollies Bullet Journal Mood Tracker

This blush pink template by has different icecreams, popsicles and lollies for each day of the month with a very cute key on the top of the page. You can draw the same or if you aren’t artsy enough, you can keep the drawings simple by switching them for some flowers instead.
23. No more cloudy days Mood Tracker

This cloud themed bullet journal mood tracker by Art N Foxes has various clouds scattered in the sky. Some are dark and gloomy while others are light and sunny. Fill these in according to your mood by following the simple colour-coded key at the bottom.
24. Space Out your mood

This space-themed mood tracker by has planets and comets representing the days of the month with a cute color scheme at the top of the page.
Mood Tracking Apps
Now that we have covered various mood tracker ideas, hope you make one for yourself and start tracking your mood soon. But if you aren’t artsy or is simply lazy like I am, then here are some mood tracking apps that you can find on the AppStore or play store:
1. Daylio
Daylio is an award-winning app that lets you track your mood without having to type out how you feel. It has lots of different videos that represent different moods and you can choose the mood that best describes how you feel on any given day.
2. MoodKit
Moodkit is a great app if you are suffering from anxiety, depression or any other mood disorders. It follows a well-researched therapy model and is divided into four parts namely Activities, Thoughts, Mood, and Journal. To know more about this app, click here.
3. eMoods
eMoods is a mood tracking app specifically designed for people struggling with bipolar disorder. Each entry has a four-point scale ranging from none to severe. Users can also record if they are experiencing any psychotic symptoms.
4. MoodTrack Diary
This app is very colourful and user-friendly, intending to help people feel empowered with the intelligence to manage their moods by making healthier decisions that impact how they are feeling. Moodtrack diary not only allows you to rate how you are feeling but also has space for you to write down your thoughts if you want to do so.
5. Breathe2Relax
Breathe2Relax is an app that allows you to keep tabs of your mood along with providing videos that include breathing techniques and various other methods to unwind and relax. Progress reports are generated at the end of each month to measure your improvement throughout the month.